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This is a prototype of a continuous "powerful" rotating mechanism which has already been tested and functioned successfully some ten years back in an elementary reduced scale mostly wooden and PVC, except for ball bearings, toothed sprockets, motorcycle chains to modify it and to make it became larger, twice it's size to reduce friction coming from sprockets which might reduce it capacity of work. When it was launched, it worked for more than four years and became useless because flood has reduced into powder the dozen of marine board discs which was surrounded by modified motorcycle chains. A belt  linked to a Rotor-Stator of dynamo of 5,000 watts. It was mostly maintenance free as we had to just spray some lubricants to its axles and rolling points at monthly interval. Such success motivated us to have one bigger on the roof of our workshop. 
A pulley equipped with a transmission belt to activate other machineries.
Though not wealthy, we managed to purchase sprockets, ball bearings of various dimensions. Devoid of sophisticated equipments for producing precision parts, we tried in vain to sought sponsors from different parts throughout the world just to help us financially to manufacture a more efficient "three coupled" bigger one and had in mind to present to media so that many agencies could produce similar ones so as to alleviate poverty, to open doors to new industries in inocupied regions. Since two years back we have ceased to move forward with it. Many technicians who saw it working was really amazed, but at that time, we kept our 'intelligence property" secret with the hope that one day this innovation might solve many problems, vide: ecological, financial, new enterprises at low cost. 
Thanks to Tomorrow, we have revived our hope to have' not only financial support, but also, big manufacturers who can flood the world with its different models.
I am revive some parts here so as to make interested readers understand the positive impact it will help to restitute in our modern society. Here is an elementary sketch to create awareness of this prototype.
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